November 2022
Inspire Path - Cultivate strong interpersonal skills
Interpersonal skills are as important for students as academic skills. With an aim to develop these skills, we invited Michelle Duschang and Beste oZSOY from Hisar School, Turkey to guide students. They shared the three prime elements of interpersonal skills:
- Self Awareness
- Active Listening
- Social Awareness
They said that listening attentively can help to understand the perspective and identify topics that students need to research further. These aspects also contribute to higher emotional intelligence, and develop a holistic personality. The counselors also shared an exclusive worksheet for students that they can persistently work on honing these skills and plan better for their future path. Catch the complete webinar here.
About the speaker
Michelle Duschang
Hisar School, Turkey
Director of College Counseling
Beste oZSOY
Hisar School, Turkey
Senior Associate Director of International College Counseling